Funnie & Friends

Category: Activities

  • WinterTime Fun

    WinterTime Fun

    Winter is a wonderful season for children. Snow is beautiful and enjoyable. The kids get bundled up in layers of snow-pants, boots, scarves, hats, gloves, and warm coats to trudge out into the snow. Sledding, snowball fights, snow angels, ice skating and more become experiences that can’t be duplicate any other time of the year.…

  • Back To School

    As Hannah sits in the chair across from me I try to think of kid-friendly conversation. She is a cute little six-year-old who visits me often at the Burger King Family Night in Brownsburg. Tonight she has chose an “Elsa” design that we have found on my phone. As I begin painting her forehead in…

  • One Hundred Years of Reading Fun

    Some of my best memories as a child are of going to our local public library with my best friend, Lisa. We would check out a pile of books and then go to her house and read to our hearts content. We enjoyed fantasy, adventure, exciting biographies, and fun non-fiction books about our favorite animals……

Funnie & Friends